
Leslie Stephen Quotes

He who sees only what is before his eyes sees the worst part of every view.

Leslie Stephen (1871). “The Playground of Europe”, p.130

The truth cannot be asserted without denouncing the falsehood.

Sir Leslie Stephen (1873). “Essays on Freethinking and Plainspeaking”, p.361

The poet should touch our heart by showing his own

Sir Leslie Stephen (1919). “Hours in a Library: Charlotte Brontë. Charles Kingsley. Godwin and Shelley. Gray and his school. Sterne. Country books. George Eliot. Autobiography. Carlyle's ethics. The State trials. Coleridge”

A good talker, even more than a good orator, implies a good audience.

Leslie Stephen (2011). “Samuel Johnson”, p.60, Cambridge University Press

Poe is a kind of Hawthorne and delirium tremens.

Sir Leslie Stephen (1875). “Hours in a Library”, p.227

When I ceased to accept the teaching of my youth, it was not so much a process of giving up beliefs, as of discovering that I had never really believed.

Frederic William Maitland, Leslie Stephen (2012). “The Life and Letters of Leslie Stephen”, p.133, Cambridge University Press

Philistine - a word which I understand properly to denote indifference to the higher intellectual interests. The word may also be defined, however, as the name applied by prigs to the rest of their species.

Leslie Stephen (1928). “Sir Thomas Browne. Jonathan Edwards. Horace Walpole. Dr. Johnson's writings. Crabbe. William Hazlitt. Disraeli's novels. Massinger”