
Louis Pasteur Quotes - Page 3

Science brings men nearer to God.

"Letter to an Atheist" by Michael Patrick Leahy, (p. 61), 2007.

Do not let yourself be tainted with a barren skepticism.

The Louisville & Nashville Employes' Magazine, Volume 20, p. 28, 1944.

Where observation is concerned, chance favors only the prepared mind.

Address at inauguration of Faculty of Science, University of Lille, Lille, France, 7 Dec. 1854

To bring one's self to believe in a truth that has just dawned upon one is the first step towards progress; to persuade others is the second.

Louis Pasteur, Frank Faulkner, David Constable Robb (1879). “Studies on Fermentation: The Diseases of Beer, Their Causes, and the Means of Preventing Them”