The future has to do with fear. Don't attempt to come up here. Don't attempt to go forward, you were nobody, you are nobody, and you'll always be nothing, so don't even think about coming here because if you do, something awful will happen to you.
The Supreme Court gives corporations the same rights as a human being. It's absurd. You can't do that.
There seems to be less obvious corruption in city government and New York politicians, they aren't Republican or Democrat, they're New Yorkers.
I've been sober for 25. And every day I am very grateful that I don't drink.
Whenever I'm broadcasting, I like it. When I'm broadcasting I can't wait to hear what I say.
The word is a sound of some sort and that's where the energy comes from.
Once I know I'm an alcoholic then it is my obligation, duty to see what I can do about healing myself.
If you look up the word "gab" in the dictionary, it's insignificant of importance, of no substance. That's what gab is.
To lose one parent is a tragedy, to lose both is utter carelessness.
I've seen so many horrible and awful results and consequences of people practicing alcoholism. It's murder, I've seen that. I've seen a lot of suicides, a lot of strange sins.
When I'm writing, I thoroughly enjoy it. It just goes on.
It's one day at a time, that's all there is to it, and so I don't have to worry about it. All I do is, okay, I do not have to drink. And if I feel like it, I postpone it for ten minutes, and that way I find something else to do in the meantime.
I wonder what I can do about war. Is it the destiny of human kind to eventually wipe ourselves out with these weapons of mass destruction? Are we stupid to think that we can control them?
When an English man speaks well, for example now, and this is another way of putting us down, they say he's "eloquent" you see. "Oh, eloquent chap they are!" An Irish person speak well, they say, "Ah, you have the gift of the gab." "Ah, you kissed the blarney stone." You see, all of this putting us down.
The alcoholism got me and I ruined my first marriage with drinking and the lying and the deceit and infidelity, and all of that. The whole bloody thing.
There's no recovery from alcoholism, it is an incurable disease. And it also is a disease that tells you, you don't have a disease.
Here am I, a human being and that has a body that is getting old. And I only have one, I can't trade it in.
That's one part of oppression is to make sure you are a shameful, shamed human being. That takes care of the past.
I'm an alcoholic, recovering. And I used to smoke cigarettes, and I was a philanderer and I, wouldn't call myself good.
Limericks don't come from Limerick. But it comes from that between the verses when they used to have those competitions that they would put in the refrain, "follow me up, follow me up, follow me up to Limerick Town."
To be Irish today is the abandonment of shame and the younger people are moving it out and they're moving the fear away. They're not afraid, they're adventurous.
That's my punishment in hell, shoveling horseshit.
Corporations can deduct their planes, all their office expenses, their machinery, their computers and Teleprompters and whatever else they have. They can deduct their yachts, they can deduct their limousines, their planes, everything.
I would like to do away with all kind of - all weapons. A dream - totally. Including the bow an arrow.
The purpose of the media is to make us all spectators, to watch. So that's why we have millions of fat children watching the games, eating and consuming and not playing themselves.