Malcolm Muggeridge Quotes
Malcolm Muggeridge, Christopher Ralling (1967). “Muggeridge through the microphone: B.B.C. radio and television”, Not Avail
Malcolm Muggeridge (1978). “A twentieth century testimony”, Thomas Nelson Publishers
Quoted in Vintage Muggeridge, ed. Geoffrey Barlow (1985)
Malcolm Muggeridge (2005). “Seeing Through the Eye: Malcolm Muggeridge on Faith”, p.215, Ignatius Press
Radio Times 9 July 1964
Malcolm Muggeridge (2005). “Seeing Through the Eye: Malcolm Muggeridge on Faith”, p.152, Ignatius Press
In the beginning was the Lie and the Lie was made news and dwelt among us, graceless and false.
Malcolm Muggeridge (1972). “The green stick”, Collins Publishers
Malcolm Muggeridge (1987). “My life in pictures”
Malcolm Muggeridge (2005). “Conversion: The Spiritual Journey of a Twentieth Century Pilgrim”, p.61, Wipf and Stock Publishers
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