The most powerful medicine is at the end of your fork, not at the bottom of your pill bottle. Food is more powerful than anything in your medicine cabinet!
It's more important to understand the imbalances in your body's basic systems and restore balance, rather than name the disease and match the pill to the ill.
There's no such thing as junk food. There's junk and there's food.
The fork is your most powerful tool to change your health and the planet; food is the most powerful medicine to heal chronic illness.
The key to creating health is figuring out the cause of the problem and then providing the right conditions for the body and soul to thrive. It isn't taking another medication.
It is food - we now know that food is information, not just calories, and that it can upgrade your biologic software. The majority of chronic disease is primarily a food borne illness. We ate ourselves into this problem and we have to eat ourselves out of it.
The body is one integrated system, not a collection of organs divided up by medical specialties. The medicine of the future connects everything.
The facts are in, the science is beyond question. Sugar in all its forms is the root cause of our obesity epidemic and most of the chronic disease sucking the life out of our citizens and our economy - and, increasingly, the rest of the world. You name it, it’s caused by sugar: heart disease, cancer, dementia, type 2 diabetes, depression, and even acne, infertility and impotence.
Chronic disease is a foodborne illness. We ate our way into this mess, and we must eat our way out.
The power of community to create health is far greater than any physician, clinic or hospital.
While weight loss is important, what's more important is the quality of food you put in your body - food is information that quickly changes your metabolism and genes.
Your social networks may matter more than your genetic networks. But if your friends have healthy habits you are more likely to as well. So get healthy friends.
We are eating hybridized and genetically modified (GMO) foods full of antibiotics, hormones, pesticides, and additives that were unknown to our immune systems just a generation or two ago. The result? Our immune system becomes unable to recognize friend or foe - to distinguish between foreign molecular invaders we truly need to protect against and the foods we eat or, in some cases, our own cells. In Third World countries where hygiene is poor and infections are common, allergy and autoimmunity are rare.
Glutathione is also the most critical and integral part of your detoxification system. All the toxins stick onto glutathione, which then carries them into the bile and the stool - and out of your body.
The best advice is to avoid foods with health claims on the label, or better yet avoid foods with labels in the first place.
You can't exercise your way out of a bad diet.
Chronic disease is a food borne illness.
In the 21st century our tastes buds, our brain chemistry, our biochemistry, our hormones and our kitchens have been hijacked by the food industry.
All medicine comes down to this: Find out what's bugging you; get rid of it. Find out what you need; get it. The body does the rest.
The body maintains balance in only a handful of ways. At the end of the day, disease occurs when these basic systems are out of whack.
Our body's natural detoxification system is designed to support our health by eliminating waste products from our metabolism and from environmental toxins. Like any other hardworking system, it needs periodic rest and support to continue functioning optimally. This program will teach you how to rest and restore your body's natural detoxification abilities.
One in four kids have either pre-diabetes or diabetes - what I like to call diabesity. How did this happen?
I don't need the fillers, additives, excessive amounts of sugars, fats, salts and other measures taken to taint the natural goodness of real food.
The way most doctors practice medicine right now isn't working.
When it becomes a revolutionary act to eat real food, we are in trouble.