Marshall McLuhan Quotes - Page 2
Marshall McLuhan, Michel Moos (2014). “Media Research: Technology, Art and Communication”, p.124, Routledge
Marshall McLuhan, Bruce R. Powers (1989). “The global village: transformations in world life and media in the 21st century”, Oxford University Press, USA
"Violence in the media". Canadian Forum, Volume 56, (p. 9), 1976.
Herbert Marshall Mcluhan (2010). “Understanding Me: Lectures and Interviews”, p.135, McClelland & Stewart
Marshall McLuhan, Quentin Fiore, Jerome Agel (1996). “The medium is the massage: an inventory of effects”, Hardwired
Man works when he is partially involved. When he is totally involved he is at play or leisure.
Marshall McLuhan (2014). “Media Research: Technology, Art and Communication”, p.125, Routledge
Marshall McLuhan (2011). “The Gutenberg Galaxy”, p.387, University of Toronto Press
"The Mechanical Bride". Book by Marshall McLuhan, 1951.