I think it is fair to say that the end goal might be a demand yet your focus when building brands should rarely focus on this objective.
Think about it - what's the first thing you do when waiting for someone who's late? Grab your smartphone and do something with it ...anything with it - so that you don't look like a loser. However by doing so we've lost our ability to be present - to observe, to connect with others and most importantly to be bored.
I did however realize that only 4% of the world's population turns creative when in contact with water and thus we dialed this dimension down and changed direction.
Opinion free brands simply will struggle to survive in the future - of that simple reason that we increasingly want to associate ourselves with opinionated and authentic brands.
Imagine Pepsi without Coke. Impossible, right?
If we define value as emotions - and emotional engagement...i.e. love!