
Max Beckmann Quotes - Page 2

All Quotes Art Painting Reality
If you wish to get hold of the invisible you must penetrate as deeply as possible into the visible.

If you wish to get hold of the invisible you must penetrate as deeply as possible into the visible.

Max Beckmann, Barbara Copeland Buenger (1997). “Self-Portrait in Words: Collected Writings and Statements, 1903-1950”, p.302, University of Chicago Press

There is nothing I hate more than sentimentality.

Max Beckmann, Barbara Copeland Buenger (1997). “Self-Portrait in Words: Collected Writings and Statements, 1903-1950”, p.183, University of Chicago Press

One of my problems is to find the self.

Max Beckmann, Barbara Copeland Buenger (1997). “Self-Portrait in Words: Collected Writings and Statements, 1903-1950”, p.302, University of Chicago Press