Objectivity Quotes
The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.
George Orwell, Keith Gessen (2009). “All Art Is Propaganda: Critical Essays”, p.26, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Gore Vidal (1992). “The Decline and Fall of the American Empire”
Nikola Tesla (2013). “The Nikola Tesla Treasury”, p.641, Simon and Schuster
"Evolution of living organisms: evidence for a new theory of transformation" by Pierre-Paul Grasse, Academic Press, (p. 7), 1977.
A straight path never leads anywhere except to the objective.
"The Journals of André Gide: 1914-1927". 1951.
Francis Bacon (2012). “The Great Instauration”, p.33, Simon and Schuster
"Limited Inc". Book by Jacques Derrida, 1977.