When you learn, teach, when you get, give.
Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.
My mother said I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some people, unable to go to school, were more educated and more intelligent than college professors.
Education is a process that goes on 'til death. The moment you see someone who knows she has found the one true way, and can call all the others false, then you know you're in the company of an ignoramus.
The quality of strength lined with tenderness is an unbeatable combination, as are intelligence and necessity when unblunted by formal education.
Education helps one case cease being intimidated by strange situations.
We must create a climate where people agree that human beings are more alike than unalike. The only way to do that is through education.