Well my favorite is really really sharp, extra sharp, aged cheddar cheese.
If everybody that had two cars had a Prius instead of an SUV, we wouldn't be in the Middle East right now.
I found it unbearable when I allow the song to meet the music, to allow the story to meet the music.
Some men can maintain cragginess and weary masculinity. Women just get old.
She [Barbra Streisand] was just - we can't know what we mean to each other. You know, artists, you can't know - you can't know that, but she was really important.
I get nervous calling myself an artist. I feel I'm more like an interpreter or a violinist, you know.
Well, it has to do with very deep things, because it might be that imagining yourself as a girl is a diminishment. But it is something that when I made "The Devil Wears Prada" it was the first time in my life, 30 years of making movies, that a man came up and said I know how you felt. I know how you felt. I have a job like that. People understand.
Having been let out of the barn once, I know I wouldn't be happy if I were home all the time.
What led me to that was I have never - I mean, I watch movies and I don't care who is the protagonist. I feel what that guy is feeling. You know, if it's Tom Cruise leaping over a building - I want to make it, you know? And I'm going to - yes, I made it. And yeah, so I get that.
I love Goodfellows and I love Nick Palleggi, but no, it's The Godfather, 1 and 2.
There are wonderfully talented actresses. It's a really rich field. There isn't as rich a field of material.
I own one pair of Prada shoes. They make my feet hurt... It's not the shoes' fault; they are exquisitely made. I blame my feet. I've got my mother's feet.
Some people hold themselves above the fashion business but are still complicit and fall prey to it.
It is interesting how fashion filters down and we discover in the "Devil Wears Prada" that we're all prey to trends, even if we think we are not.
I think we reserve a special place in our hearts for women who dare to try and be powerful, or occupy a special elevated place in society or when they are 'the bosses'. I think we really don't like it as a society and we have a harsh view of them. We look much harder at them, than the millions of men who aspire to the same positions and I can't figure that out.
I don't know why I don't watch a lot of movies; I can barely keep up with the things my friends are in. There isn't enough time in life.
This act of empathy, that women go through from the time we're little girls - we read all of literature, all of history, it's really about boys, most of it. But I can feel more like Peter Pan than Tinker Bell, or like Wendy. I wanted to be Tom Sawyer, not Becky. And we're so used to that act of empathizing with the protagonist of a male-driven plot. I mean, that's what we've done all our lives. You read history, you read great literature, Shakespeare, it's all fellas, you know?
The career I chose was a drama major in college, at Yale, when I played a 90-year-old woman. One of my most celebrated roles. Then I played a really fat person. I played a lot of different things. That's how I thought I loved to wrangle my talent, my need to express myself. I like to do it that way.
I never thought I was somebody that would be on the cover of magazines in fashions, wearing fashions. It's like not me. But that is what movie stardom entails.
I have a lot of people to thank and I'm going to be one of those people that tries to mention a lot of names, because I know just two seconds ago my mother and father went completely berserk and I'd like to give some other mothers and fathers that same opportunity.
I'm never so sure as I was in my mid-20s.
We are who we're going to be when we're very old, and when we're very old we are who we were when we were 8.
One must be brave if one is to take the wheel.
I have a holistic need to work and to have huge ties of love in my life. I can't imagine eschewing one for the other.
And she [Margaret Thatcher] also had a sort of a way, like a railroad train, of going, taking a breath and starting quite quietly and making a point in a way that you don't really know that this point is going to be made through several examples, and there will be not be a break in the speaking voice at any point.