We are all more similar than we usually realize.
Try to understand long before you move to judgment.
Becoming a father has definitely heightened my discomfort with uncertainty. I want to be able to say, I know what will happen, when, why. But most of the time, we just don't know.
One of my favorite things is watching my children learn something new. The combination of innocence and excitement makes a parent feel truly alive, even if only for a second and peripherally.
Love is the feeling we get when we recognize the positive attributes in another. You have to continually and actively watch for the best parts of someone else that will let you experience love. I like this definition of love because it's not just for the romantic lovers out there but the love of a friend, a mother, sibling - all kinds of love.
This is a lesson I continue to learn: Be content where you are!
I do not know everything, I never will, and that is OK.
Although here - Los Angeles 2014 - we can have a lighthearted movie about romance and living your life without persecution, that freedom does not exist in the rest of the world and not even in the rest of our country. There are places where they are going backward, away from freedom. Places where same-sex couples are beaten, killed, not allowed to raise families, forced to hide their lifestyle.
You have to continually and actively watch for the best parts of someone else that will let you experience love.
Love is the feeling we get when we recognize the positive attributes in another.
As an artist, I think it is important for us to mark places in history where we have made progress, to celebrate by expressing that reality.
Be content where you are! The sooner I let go of the notion that something could only be one way, the way I had planned it, without fail, I have always gotten more done and with far less discomfort.
When you have kids, I think it makes them feel safer and be in a space to grow more and recognize patterns when routines exist.
I try to not let there be too many steps between what I am mostly focusing on and what I am physically doing. If you are constantly standing back and looking at the whole map, you are going to miss a lot of turns and feel overwhelmed.
I found at a young age that emotions aren't always handled with talking and other emotions. I started ballet, seriously around fourteen, and let me tell you, nothing can give you an emotional reset like a good ballet barre.
We are all more similar than we usually realize. So much of the suffering we do in our life is because of obsession with self.
When we are adding to those around us, the world, ourselves, it feels good and right on levels we cannot even consciously connect with.
Permanent weight loss means making small, manageable changes and sticking with them for life.
We need to welcome the experimental creativity that is always searching out new ways of singing the Gospel, and banish the fear that grips us when familiar music passes away.
It is fruitless to search for a single musical style, or even any blend of musical styles, that can assist all Christians with true worship. The followers of Jesus are a far too diverse group of people-which is exactly as it should be. We need, rather, to welcome any worship music that helps churches produce disciples of Jesus Christ.