Donald Trump is going to remain completely focused on American citizens and people who are here legally, and how we get this country working for people who play by the rules.
Nobody was talking about illegal immigration when Donald Trump entered this campaign. He was attacked from day one for putting the whole issue of the violence that is derived from certain individuals that come into this country illegally on the table. . . He is hearing from all sides. But I promise you, he is a decisive leader. He will stand on the principles that have underpinned his commitment to end illegal immigration in this country. And that's what people will learn more about in the days ahead.
We provide an enormous amount of resources, particularly with regard to military resources, to countries all over the world. And in many cases, those countries are not compensating the American taxpayer for the commitment that we're making to their security.
There are so many families around the country that can't have children. We can improve options so families can have children, can adopt more readily those children.
I served in Washington, DC for twelve years in the Congress of the United States, and I served with many Republicans and Democrats, men and women of goodwill. The potential is there to really change the direction of this country, but it's going to take leadership do it.
I think the practical experience and the relationships that I developed over the last 16 years, the president-elect [Donald Trump] sees it as an asset to moving his agenda and moving the country forward.
This grandson of an Irish immigrant, after whom I was named, Richard Michael Cawley is my grandfather. I was right that - and I always tell kids that, you know, if my small life represents anything is that if you work hard, you study hard, and you never give up on your dreams and listen to people that care about, you can live those dreams. And for me to be up on the platform standing with my right hand in the air in the presence of my family and our new president [Donald Trump], it just tells me this is a great country. My grandfather was right.
Donald Trump has called for extreme vetting for people coming into this country so that we don't bring people into the United States who are hostile to our bill of rights freedoms, who are hostile to the American way of life, but I will say, Donald Trump and I are committed to suspending the Syrian refugee program and programs on immigration from areas of the world that have been compromised by terrorism.
Donald Trump's laid out a plan to end illegal immigration once and for all in America. We've been talking it to death for 20 years. Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine want to continue the policies of open borders, amnesty, catch and release, sanctuary cities, all the things that are driving wages down in this country.
Donald Trump has a plan, that he laid out in Arizona, that will deal systematically with illegal immigration, beginning with border security, internal enforcement. It's probably why for the first time in the history of immigrations and customs enforcement, their union actually endorsed Donald Trump as the next president of the United States, because they know they need help to enforce the laws of this country.
General [Michael] Flynn has been in touch with diplomatic leaders, security leaders in some 30 countries. That's exactly what the incoming national security advisor should do.
What Donald Trump is determined to do, as someone who has spent a lifetime looking for deals, is to see if we can have a new relationship with Russia and other countries that advances the interests of America first and the peace and security of the world.
We have got to bring together the best resources in America to understand that cyber warfare is the new warfare of the asymmetrical enemies that we face in this country.
We are going to enforce the law of America and strengthen immigration and customs enforcement with more resources and personnel to be able to do that, and then Donald Trump has made it clear. Once we have done all of those things, then we are going to reform the immigration system that we have in this country.
The focus of President Trump's administration will continue to be to have a safer America, to have a more prosperous America, and to continue to advance the president's agenda, both on Capitol Hill and through executive action and carry that message all across the country.