Mind and body have taken the journey, but the real home place is your own heart. It is infinite and so wherever you go, you are always Home.
Be as though you don't exist. Let the bodily functions unfold, let thoughts come and go but don't follow them. Be only the awareness. Something is unplugged, but you are still fully here. Senses are functioning normally. This was never the trouble. The mind rises up as resistances and doubts but they are mere thoughts. Mind in its psychological aspect can come full power, but you are not to be a traffic policeman inside your own head.
Questions appear real for as long as you consider yourself to be a person. When you realize you are the impersonal presence, all questions vanish.
Blessings upon your mind and heart. Let openness, trust and love be your first response. This is the secret to everlasting joy, peace and contentment.
Ego is a ghost who is terrified of dying
O Lord...Let my knowing of you not just be in my mind, but fully alive inside my heart...remove ‘me’...let there be only you
Our illness is often our healing.
Everything takes you back to yourself. When you get there, you know you never left. You only dreamt you left. You have never been other than that. You are only dreaming due to the idea of 'I am the body.'
We are identifying with what is passing so fear comes. We are trying to make steady and permanent what is by nature impermanent.
I don't tell you what you should do or not do; I only show you who you are -the timeless and unchanging awareness. When this is firmly established inside you, your life will unfold spontaneously and joyously.
If you are a person this world will seem full of persons. When you are the being you will not feel bound. You will know every being, look in the eyes of every being, and you know, you will recognize yourself. These things are not poetry. They are simple truths. You will experience them. In your heart they will be confirmed.
For those whose heart and whose attention is immersed in the truth, they don't need to have to worry.
Nothing belongs to you or me. Nothing belongs. Everything, everything, everything simply IS.
Learn to leave things. If you don't have an interest in something, you don't need even to transcend it!
When one is without ego, one becomes immediately free of all personal judgements, and perceives life and the world with divine eyes and mind. Nothing is offensive to them and they remain in perfect serenity and peace always.
When you know you know nothing, an air of openness and humility prevails. Then real understanding enters the mind.
Often one is more attached to the journey than to the discovery... because the journey happens in the mind... the discovery happens in the heart.
Be in the spirit of Truth and any words you speak are in alignment with that spirit.
Let every thought come and hug you, but you don't hug anything. Then, gradually, the noise will start to back off.
The world cannot hold onto you, for the world is not sentient. The world doesn't have a mind nor does it have desires; it is only your mind's objectivisation. It is your own mind's play which imagines that an object-call it the mind or whatever-can hold onto you. It is the idea you have of who you are that is holding onto its own fearful projections as the mind. Leave all of this and remain as the pure, joyous Self.
Sometimes consciousness devises an obstacle in order to have the experience of transcending it.
Whatever comes, don’t push it away. When it goes, do not grieve.
The simplest aspect of self-enquiry is to just hold onto the sense I AM, the sense of Being. Keep the sense of "I" or "I AM" by itself. Everyone can do this exercise - it brings immediate results.
You are the somewhere you are trying to get to.
To be free from false identity and the hypnosis of conditioning is the biggest smile and joy you are going to feel in your life.