No family should have to endure the loss of a loved one at the hands of a previously convicted violent criminal.
The most valuable insight on choosing whom to love is to be honest with yourself about the man standing before you.
No one's playing records anymore, so find your favorite and frame it, then get rid of the rest - try selling or donating them.
When you like what you like, it makes it easy for your husband to shop for you!
I didn't marry a man that wanted to be in the business. But that's why we're a perfect fit.
I'm a Gucci girl all the way.
I have more energy to run after our four children. Weight loss and great skin were a bonus!
I've known for quite a while that I was a funny girl.
Celebrate your child's achievement, then rotate it when the next mini-masterpiece comes along. Then chuck the old picture. Don't worry that you're throwing away a memory. Your children will remember your praise more than they will remember the picture with macaroni and glitter glued on it.
Reality does get a bad rap. But I'm not concerned about it 'cause I know who I am. They can edit it, but you are in charge of what you do.
I do not have a bride gene. I haven't been planning a wedding since I was 3. I never put a sheet on my head and pretended that it was a veil.
I didn’t get into this business for other people to know my name.
The adage 'a family that prays together, stays together' is so true.
As women, we often think we have to be all things to all people, all at the same time. As a wife, mother, actress and businesswoman, I definitely feel the pressure to perform well in all areas.
Although my marriage left me with three beautiful children, it also left me with a healthy dose of self-doubt, low self-esteem, and an extreme desire to be loved again. I was operating on empty, expecting to be paid in full.
I didn't start out about weight loss. I was very tired and my energy was low. This is my second go-around in love, so I want to make sure I'll be around to enjoy it.
I was in a very fancy, high-end boutique where the sales associates stand around like mannequins. I walked in and the first thing they said was, "Ooh it smells like booty in here" because they knew me from Scream Queens.
I would like to think that television would be representative of the world we live in.