
Norman Rockwell Quotes

All Quotes Painting
I paint life as I would like it to be.

I paint life as I would like it to be.

Norman Rockwell (1988). “Norman Rockwell and the Saturday Evening Post”, Bookthrift

Commonplaces never become tiresome. It is we who become tired when we cease to be curious and appreciative.

Norman Rockwell, Maureen Hart Hennessey, Anne Knutson, High Museum of Art, Norman Rockwell Museum at Stockbridge (1999). “Norman Rockwell: pictures for the American people”, Harry N. Abrams

The view of life I communicate in my pictures excludes the sordid and ugly. I paint life as I would like it to be.

Norman Rockwell, Thomas Rockwell (1979). “Norman Rockwell, My Adventures as an Illustrator: An Autobiography”, Curtis Publishing Company, (IN)

No man with a conscience can just bat out illustrations. He's got to put all his talent and feeling into them!

"Fusion Book 1, Enhanced Edition: Integrated Reading and Writing, Book 1". Book by Dave Kemper, Verne Meyer, John Van Rys, Patrick Sebranek (p. 202), January 2014.

I'll never have enough time to paint all the pictures I'd like to.

"A Rockwell Portrait : An Intimate Biography". Book by Donald Walton (p. 61), 1978.

I'm tired, but proud.

Norman Rockwell (1988). “Norman Rockwell and the Saturday Evening Post”, Bookthrift

I work from fatigue to fatigue at my age there's only so much daylight left.

Norman Rockwell (1988). “Norman Rockwell: My Adventures As an Illustrator”, Harry N Abrams Incorporated