Novalis Quotes

"Bildung in Early German Romanticism" by Frederick C. Beiser. "Philosophers on Education: New Historical Perspectives". Book edited by Amélie Rorty, p. 294, 1998.
"Quote, Unquote". Book by Jonathan Williams, p. 136, 1989.
Love is the final end of the world's history, the Amen of the universe.
Thoughts on Religion, Pt. 1, "Hymns and Thoughts on Religion" edited and translated by W. Hastie, 1888.
Life must not be a novel that is given to us, but one that is made by us.
Novalis (1997). “Novalis: Philosophical Writings”, p.66, SUNY Press
There is but one temple in the universe, and that is the body of man.
"Novalis". Essay by Thomas Carlyle, 1829.
"Blüthenstaub". Book by Novalis, 1798.
"Viking Book of Aphorisms". Book by Louis Kronenberger and W. H. Auden, p. 323, 1962.
Novalis, Arthur Versluis (1989). “Pollen and fragments: selected poetry and prose of Novalis”, Phanes Pr