Otto von Bismarck Quotes - Page 5

Prussian House of Deputies, 28 January 1886 (used by Bismarck in the form Eisen und Blut 30 September 1862)
Speech to the Reichstag, 19 February 1878, in Ludwig Hahn (ed.) 'Fürst Bismarck. Sein politisches Leben und Wirken' vol. 3 (1881) p. 90
"Disraeli, Gladstone, and the Eastern Question. A Study in Diplomacy and Party Politics". Book by Robert William Seton-Watson, 1935.
Politics is not a science, as the professors are apt to suppose. It is an art.
"The Quote Verifier : Who Said What, Where, and When". Book by Ralph Keyes, 2006.
Otto von Bismarck's Speech to the Reichstag, February 6, 1888.
"Hoyt's New Cyclopedia Of Practical Quotations", pp. 649-652, 1922.
Expression in the Reichstag in 1884, "The Quote Verifier: Who Said What, Where, and When". Book by Ralph Keyes, 2006.