We`re focused on physically securing the border. We`re focus on those who are coming to do us harm from terrorist states and things like that. That is our focus, and it`s on criminal aliens, people who are violent criminals who have not been deported.
I never believed that one big bill is the way to go.
We`re a humane country. We got to make sure that we find the intelligence. We have do it [protecting our boundaries] in a humane way following the law.
I think [Donald Trump] does understand that. We talked a great deal about the separation on power and the constitution. And we`re very excited about what he`s doing because what he`s doing is pulling back what we see as unconstitutional executive actions from the past presidents.
What [President Donald Trump] is doing is taking away the executive overreach that President [Barack] Obama did which we thought exceeded his powers.
We see President [Donald] Trump actually reclaiming the proper role of the executive, and undoing a lot of damage that was done to the economy through excessive executive action by President [Barack] Obama.
We want free trade but we want free trade that is good. We want free trade that levels the playing field.
What I keep telling people is, getting trade agreements that are good for America is good for everybody.
We think the administration can give us a lot of regulatory flexibility which will bring more insurers in the marketplace, which means more competition, more choice which drives down costs, so that discretion can work in a good way or it could work in a bad way.