
Paul Ryan Quotes - Page 11

The man assumed office almost four years ago - isn't it about time he assumed responsibility?

The man assumed office almost four years ago - isn't it about time he assumed responsibility?

Republican National Convention VP Nomination Acceptance, delivered 29 August 2012, Tampa, Florida

With all their attack ads, the President is just throwing away money...and he's pretty experienced at that.

Republican National Convention VP Nomination Acceptance, delivered 29 August 2012, Tampa, Florida

A lot of people don't believe in the American idea anymore.

"NPR's Interview With House Speaker Paul Ryan On Poverty And Politics". Interview with Steve Inskeep, July 15, 2016.

I see problems that can be fixed because I see solutions that are actually occurring.

"House Speaker Paul Ryan On Why He Wants To Customize Welfare Benefits". "Morning Edition" with Steve Inskeep, July 18, 2016.