
Ralph Vaughan Williams Quotes

The art of music above all the other arts is the expression of the soul of a nation.

Ralph Vaughan Williams (1987). “National Music: And Other Essays”, Oxford University Press, USA

The duty of the words is to say just as much as the music has left unsaid and no more.

Ralph Vaughan Williams, Gustav Holst (1959). “Heirs and rebels: letters written to each other and occasional writings on music”

I suppose it never occurs to these people that a man might just want to write a piece of music.

"Working with Vaughan Williams: the correspondence of Ralph Vaughan Williams and Roy Douglas".

Wagner used to read the libretti of his operas to his friends; I am glad I was not there.

Ralph Vaughan Williams (1987). “National Music: And Other Essays”, Oxford University Press, USA

Have we not all about us forms of a musical expression which we can take and purify and raise to the level of great art?.

Ralph Vaughan Williams (2008). “Vaughan Williams on Music”, p.41, Oxford University Press on Demand

The great men of music close periods; they do not inaugurate them. The pioneer work, the finding of new paths, is left to smaller men.

Ralph Vaughan Williams (1987). “National Music: And Other Essays”, Oxford University Press, USA

To the unmusical hearer a note on the gong means dinner, this perhaps often is menacing enough.

Ralph Vaughan Williams (2008). “Vaughan Williams on Music”, p.394, Oxford University Press on Demand

A supreme composer can only come out of a musical nation.

Ralph Vaughan Williams (1987). “National Music: And Other Essays”, Oxford University Press, USA