Robert Blair Quotes

Friendship! Mysterious cement of the soul, Sweet'ner of life, and solder of society.
Robert Blair, Robert Anderson (1802). “The Poetical Works of Robert Blair: Containing The Grave, Etc., to which is Prefixed, A Life of the Author, by Robert Anderson, Accompanied by Prints, Designed and Engraved by W. Gardiner”, p.8
Robert Blair (1804). “The grave, a poem. To which are added An elegy in a country church-yard, by Gray. Death, a poem, by bishop Porteus [&c.].”
Of joys departed, not to return, how painful the remembrance
Robert Blair, Robert Anderson (1802). “The Poetical Works of Robert Blair: Containing The Grave, Etc., to which is Prefixed, A Life of the Author, by Robert Anderson, Accompanied by Prints, Designed and Engraved by W. Gardiner”, p.9
Robert Blair (1851). “The Grave: A Poem”, p.37
Robert Blair (1826). “Sacred poems: comprising The grave, by R. Blair: The last day, by E. Young: Death, by bishop Porteus: and some minor pieces. With memoirs and notes by S. Drew”, p.21
William Falconer, Thomas Day, Robert Blair, Robert Glynn, Beilby Porteus (1822). “The Poems of Falconer, Day, Blair, Glynn, and Porteus”, p.216
Robert Blair, Thomas Gray, Beilby Porteus (1818). “The grave,: a poem,”, p.17
Robert Blair, Thomas Gray (1837). “The Grave and Other Select Poems on the Common Lot of Man”, p.21
Robert Blair (1851). “The Grave: A Poem”, p.17
Hugh Blair, Robert Blair (1837). “Advice to Youth: Containing a Compendium of the Duties of Human Life, in Youth and Manhood”, p.90
Robert Blair (1826). “Sacred poems: comprising The grave, by R. Blair: The last day, by E. Young: Death, by bishop Porteus: and some minor pieces. With memoirs and notes by S. Drew”, p.9
Robert Blair, Thomas Gray, Beilby Porteus (1818). “The grave,: a poem,”, p.13
Robert Blair, Robert Anderson (1802). “The Poetical Works of Robert Blair: Containing The Grave, Etc., to which is Prefixed, A Life of the Author, by Robert Anderson, Accompanied by Prints, Designed and Engraved by W. Gardiner”, p.14