
Robert Greene Quotes - Page 11

A noble mind disdains to hide his head, And let his foes triumph in his overthrow.

A noble mind disdains to hide his head, And let his foes triumph in his overthrow.

Robert Greene, Alexander Dyce (1831). “Alphonsus, king of Arragon. James the Fourth. George-a-Greene, the pinner of Wakefield. Specimen of the History of George-a-Greene. Ballad of the Jolly Pinder of Wakefield. Poems”, p.10

Everything is personal.


A mind content both crown and kingdom is.

Robert Greene, George Peele (1861). “The Dramatic and Poetical Works of Robert Greene and George Peele: With Memoirs of the Authors and Notes”, p.309

It's funny how it reads like a Kubrick-inspired moment, a filmmaker controlling one's mise en scène. What it truly is is a documentary moment.

"Performance as Documentary: An Interview with Robert Greene (Web Exclusive)". Interview with Erik Luers,