Itd be cool to carry on doing films, but when I was a kid I wanted to be an ice cream man.
Like one time I was a fish in Noah's Ark and now I'm in Harry Potter, a big step.
I've tried to have a really normal life, and I have because my family treats me normal, and my friends treat me just the same.
After being in Harry Potter, I believe a bit more in magic than I did before.
The most challenging scene for me was the spider scene, because I don't like spiders in real life. Even rubber ones I get really scared of.
I always wanted to go into acting.
For me the stunts are so cool, they're one of my favourite things when we're doing the film.
I am a really big Harry Potter fan and I've seen all the sets, I've lived Harry Potter and I don't think it's destroyed the books at all, I think it's really spot on.
I do, kind of, spend a lot. And just on stupid things. Because I don't really know what to do. What are you supposed to do? Um. It just seems like way too much. We don't deserve it, at all, for what we do.
I'd like to levitate.
I especially like Ron. Sometimes you feel so sorry for him because he's always getting stuff from his brothers. And he's got a fat, lazy rat.