Sinatra is the essence of vocal style. This man has an innate quality of knowing what is good musically. You can sum that up best by saying that he has musical integrity. Even when he does a bad song, there's a good quality in the presentation.
We can't answer King's assassination with violence. That would be the worst tribute we could pay him.
The manic pursuit of success cost me everything I could love: my wife, my three children, some friends I would have liked to grow old with.
I have to be a star like another man has to breathe.
May was young and beautiful, we were legally married, but she was caught in the prison of my skin.
Marilyn and I were rumored to be an item. We were friends. Nothing more. Marilyn was one of the sweetest creatures that ever lived.
Ten million dollars after I'd become a star I was deeply in debt.
I bought a house in the Hollywood Hills and brought my grandmother from Harlem to live in it with me.
I hadn't been in Vegas 20 minutes when I got word that the bookmakers were offering three to one that Frank wouldn't show for my wedding.
Though I love the luxury of the Waldorf Towers, room service there doesn't do soul food.
I didn't hate being 60 as much as I had 50.
My home has always been show business.
I have a respect for Elvis and my friendship. It ain't my business what he did in private. The only thing I want to know is, 'Was he my friend?', 'Did I enjoy him as a performer?', 'Did he give the world of entertainment something?' - and the answer is YES on all accounts. The other jazz just don't matter.
Bogart could have been color blind. He got to know a man before he decided if he liked him or not.
I wasn't anything special as a father. But I loved them and they knew it.
You don’t swing where you sleep.
Most orgies that you go to, I have found, most of it is sad. All that wildness, all those laughs were like the shining silver and gold paper on packages, but there was nothing inside.
Once I get outside my house in the morning, I'm on.
In terms of addiction, there is nothing more powerful than men's toys.
I saw that my image was changing or fading. One of the reasons for taking a break from clubs was to be missed-not forgotten.
The one thing you don't want is that stale sound when you've done a line so much you can't find a fresh approach to it. Drop it.
I've done some things I wish I could erase. . . . I invented mistakes. But the mistakes must be seen in context, and they must be weighed along with the positives.
Fame comes with its own standard. A guy who twitches his lips is just another guy with a lip twitch - unless he's Humphrey Bogart.
The only person I ever hurt was myself and even that I did to the minimum. If you can do that and you're still functioning, you're the luckiest person in the world.
When you lose a lover it's like getting a bad haircut. It grows back in time.