Swami cannot give peace of mind; you must work for it yourselves. First, stop the questioning and ask, 'who am I?'. This is my body, my mind, my intelligence. But who is this 'My'? Who is it that claims the ownership of that which is declared to be 'mine'? 'My' indicates ownership. That 'My' is the life. As long as the life is in the body, there is this connection between the 'my' and the intellect - 'my' body, 'my' house, 'my' land. But the moment you remove the life from the body, there is no 'my' or sense of possession. Life is God.
Your duty is to pray for the welfare of the world and to work for it as far as it lies in your power.
God is the embodiment of compassion. He watches for a grain of goodness or humility so that He can reward it with tons of grace.
Unity is divinity, purity is enlightenment.
When you retire for the night offer grateful homage to God for being with you all day long.
I behave like you, moving, singing, laughing, journeying, but watch out for the blow I inflict all of a sudden, to chastise and to warn.
The values a man must cherish as his life-breath are: Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non violence.
No one wants to take from me what I give abundantly.
God rewards according to the mannerin which He is conceived or approached.
Practise any one of the human values. Prema (love) is the basis for all the values. Action with love is right conduct. Speak with love and it becomes truth. Thinking with love results in peace. Understanding with love leads to non-violence. For everything love is primary. Where there is love there is no place for hatred.
God has no forms, no limbs, no qualities, no preferences, no prejudices.
You take this meat eating. Many people have to kill the animals because of your non-vegetarianism. You are responsible for the death of those animals. They are killed because you eat them. This is a sin. What a sin to kill innocent animals and eat them.
If you conduct yourself with peace love and compassion, then you are God.
It is when you experience another's suffering as your own that your human values is manifested.
Love as Thought is Truth.
Multiplicity is a delusion. Unity is the Reality.
When you realize the Atma then there is no individual.
Treat all as your own self. Do not have a double standard.
People should remain unaffected by what others may say. A true man is one who overcomes the ups and downs of life with fortitude. One should not recoil before reverses of fortunes. One should bravely face them and overcome them.
Teachers are reservoirs from which, through the process of education, students draw the water of life.
You can think of individuals as differÂent light bulbs. There will be a differences in wattage and in color. There will be differences in shape, but everywhere the current is the same. That current is who you are. You are not the individual bulb. You are the one current in all.
People abuse their own friends and family, but it is only after performing many meritorious acts that one gets a human birth.
True devotion must not get dispirited; nor elated or satisfied with lesser gains; it must fight against failure, loss, calumny, calamity, ridicule and against egoism and pride , impatience and cowardice .
The feminine is the foundation on which a peaceful and happy world is to be raised.
Prema (love): practise that; develop that; spread that; and all the hatreds and jealousies of today will disappear. That is the duty of the Divine Life Society, here as well as elsewhere.