Desire is storm, greed is whirlpool, pride is precipice, attachment is avalanche, ego is volcano. Discard desire and you are liberated.
If you live on the level of the Body and the Individual, you will get entangled in food, fun and frolic, ease, envy and pride. Forget it, ignore it, overcome it - You will have peace, joy and calm. In the Divine Path, there is no chance of failure; it is the Path of Love.
True devotion must not get dispirited; nor elated or satisfied with lesser gains; it must fight against failure, loss, calumny, calamity, ridicule and against egoism and pride , impatience and cowardice .
It is a living death if one is obsessed by pride, ego and anger.
Have a sense of pride in your motherland. Just as your mother has given birth to you, so too the land has given birth to you.
If we want to eliminate bad qualities like hatred, envy, pride and ostentation, we have to employ Sathya, Dharma, Santhi and Prema and Ahimsa as the cleaning instruments.