
Sharon M. Draper Quotes

Thoughts need words. Words need a voice.

Sharon M. Draper (2016). “Stella by Starlight”, p.338, Simon and Schuster

[A] person is so much more than the name of a diagnosis on a chart.

Sharon M. Draper (2012). “Out of My Mind”, p.23, Simon and Schuster

She talked to me like I was just like any other student, not a kid in a wheelchair.

Sharon M. Draper (2010). “Out of My Mind”, p.104, Simon and Schuster

I believe in me. And my family does. And Mrs. V. It's the rest of the world I'm not so sure of.

Sharon M. Draper (2010). “Out of My Mind”, p.174, Simon and Schuster

By the way, there is nothing cute about a pink wheelchair. Pink doesn't change a thing.

Sharon M. Draper (2012). “Out of My Mind”, p.3, Simon and Schuster

Go ahead and cry, Andy. Don't be afraid of those tears. Sometimes they help to wash the soul clean.

Sharon M. Draper (2006). “Tears of a Tiger”, p.40, Simon and Schuster