Biting enemies seems to be acceptable in a surprisingly narrow range of circumstances, or so a ninja shouted at me once
Honesty is the voice that is acceptable in every matter.
The most amusing thing about a pantomime horse is the necessity of having to shoot it twice.
Dreams always end before you kill the last person.
A society will manufacture an image of progress and locate it in the direction it wishes to take us.
Let us forget the past - this is the only way to be genuinely surprised.
An office is a machine for dying.
Stab me if you can enjoy it - but not if it feels like a duty. Stab me vertically if I'm lying down and horizontally if I'm running
It’s a shame, sort of a waste, that most people are influenced by what the newspaper supplements tell them is the book they are meant to be seen reading this year. It seems like those people aren’t really interested in books. If you’re really into books, you havoc all over the place picking up disparate stuff which you devour hungrily, and the ‘selection’ process is more like a sixth sense hunger, a billion miles away from fashion.
Fractal litigation, whereby the flapping of a butterfly’s wings on one side of the world resulted in a massive compensation claim on the other.
Since childhood I’d been suspected of imagination
A key and a strangler - this is all a simple tale requires.