
Stevie Smith Quotes

All Quotes Heart Lying Muse

The religion of Christianity Is mixed of sweetness and cruelty Reject this Sweetness, for she wears A smoky dress out of hell fires.

Arthur C. Rankin, Stevie Smith (1985). “The poetry of Stevie Smith, "little girl lost"”, Barnes & Noble Imports

I'll have your heart, if not by gift my knife Shall carve it out. I'll have your heart, your life.

Stevie Smith, James MacGibbon (1983). “Collected Poems”, p.148, New Directions Publishing

O happy dogs of England, Bark well at errand boys, If you lived anywhere else, You would not be allowed to make such an infernal noise.

Stevie Smith, James MacGibbon (1983). “Collected Poems”, p.94, New Directions Publishing