
Sybille Bedford Quotes

All wealth is relative; and so is its absence.

Sybille Bedford (2016). “A Visit to Don Otavio: A Mexican Journey”, p.81, New York Review of Books

The future of human society. Had it made an irrevocably false start? The compass error that gets harder to correct with every mile you go?

Sybille Bedford (2017). “A Favourite of the Gods and A Compass Error”, p.280, New York Review of Books

public opinion, the sum of private opinions, does matter, can matter often for good.

Sybille Bedford (2017). “A Favourite of the Gods and A Compass Error”, p.280, New York Review of Books

It would seem that in history it's never a tooth for a tooth, but a thousand, a hundred thousand for one.

Sybille Bedford (2017). “A Favourite of the Gods and A Compass Error”, p.143, New York Review of Books