Ted Malloch Quotes

Capitalism is about the mutual creation of wealth rather than the pillaging of it.
When people freely identify with their work and find themselves through it, excellence follows.
Taking faith seriously leads to the utility of altruistic behavior.
Spiritual entrepreneurship is the unsung route to growth in the modern economy.
Leadership, in other words, is a matter of character, not goals.
Caring for God's endowment in a thrifty fashion is a form of biblical obedience.
Discipline is the virtue that begins in obedience and flowers in self-control.
Attempts to secure an equal outcome always require unequal treatment of individuals.
The moral sentiments that constrain economic life also promote it.
When all benefits are promised by the state, nobody need feel grateful for them.
The business virtue par excellence is honesty without it markets can't long survive.
One runs a business ultimately to do well so you can do good for everyone.
Profit doesn't appear as the goal but as a side effect of pursuing motivating principles.
An exercise of moral imagination helps companies further goals of its members.
Profitability is the consequence of doing business in the right way, to honor God.
Myth: There's conflict between selfish free markets and a benevolent world of human sympathy.