Theodore Sturgeon Quotes

You write a story about loneliness, and you grab them all because everybody's an expert on that one.
Venture Science Fiction, March 1958.
"More Than Human". Book by Theodore Sturgeon, Chapter 2, p. 97, 1953.
Why must we love where the lightning strikes, and not where we choose?
Theodore Sturgeon (2000). “A Saucer of Loneliness”, p.80, North Atlantic Books
"More Than Human". Book by Theodore Sturgeon, Chapter 3, p. 181, 1953.
Theodore Sturgeon (1986). “Godbody”, Dutton Adult
Fear is a survival instinct; fear in its way is a comfort for it means that somewhere hope is alive.
Theodore Sturgeon (1965). “More Than Human”
That's fairly common. We don't believe anything we don't want to believe.
Theodore Sturgeon (1999). “Baby is Three”, p.376, North Atlantic Books
It's the Simple things that are really effective. Try to remember that.
Theodore Sturgeon (1984). “Alien cargo”, St Martins Press
No man can rob successfully over a period of years without pleasing the people he robs.
Theodore Sturgeon, Paul Williams (1995). “Microcosmic God”, p.137, North Atlantic Books
There's this about a farm: when the market's good there's money, and when it's bad there's food.
Theodore Sturgeon (1965). “More Than Human”
Theodore Sturgeon (2003). “And Now the News--”, p.99, North Atlantic Books
Theodore Sturgeon, Paul Williams, Kurt Vonnegut (2002). “A Saucer of Loneliness”, p.13, North Atlantic Books