What you do is infinitely more important than how you do it.
Emphasize strengths, don't fix weaknesses.
Learn to ask, "If this is the only thing I accomplish today, will I be satisfied with my day?"
Personally, I now aim for one month of overseas relocation or high-intensity learning (tango, fighting, whatever) for every two months of work projects.
Most inputs are useless and time is wasted in proportion to the amount that is available.
Don't suffer fools or you'll become one.
Just a few words on time management: forget all about it.
The benefits of becoming fluent in a foreign tongue are as underestimated as the difficulty is overestimated. Thousands of theoretical linguists will disagree, but I know from research and personal experimentation with more than a dozen languages that (1) adults can learn languages much faster than children when constant 9-5 work is removed and that (2) it is possible to become conversationally fluent in any language in six months or less. At four hours per day, six months can be whittled down to less than three months.
Fun things happen when you earn dollars, live on pesos, and compensate in rupees.
Compile your to-do list for tomorrow no later than this evening.
There is a direct correlation between am increased sphere of comfort and getting what you want.
Do not expect work to fill a void that non-work relationships and activities should Work is not all of life. Your co-workers shouldn't be your only friends. Schedule life and defend it just as you would an important business meeting. Never tell yourself "I'll just get it done this weekend."
I've seen the promised land, and there is good news. You can have it all.