William Shakespeare Quotes - Page 123

William Shakespeare, Samuel Johnson, George Steevens, Isaac Reed (1778). “Prefaces. The tempest. The two gentlemen of Verona. The merry wives of Windsor.- v.2. Measure for measure. Comedy of errors. Much ado about nothing. Love's labour lost.- v.3. Midsummer night's dream. Merchant of Venice. As you like it. Taming the shrew.- v.4. All's well that ends well. Twelfth night. Winter's tale. Macbeth.- v.5 King John. King Richrd II. King Henry IV, parts I-II.- v.6. King Henry V. King Henry VI, parts I-III.- v.7 King Richard III. King Henry VIII. Coriolanus.- v.8. Julius Cæ”
William Shakespeare, Samuel Ayscough, Fenton John Anthony Hort, Nicholas Rowe (1790). “Shakspeare's Dramatic Works: With Explanatory Notes”, p.138
I am not merry, but I do beguile the thing I am by seeming otherwise.
'Othello' (1602-4) act 2, sc. 1, l. 122
Th abuse of greatness is when it disjoins remorse from power.
William Shakespeare, James Boswell, Alexander Pope, Richard Farmer, Samuel Johnson (1821). “The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare”, p.34
1613 Wolsey. Henry VIII, act 3, sc.2, l.224-6.
Send danger from the east unto the west, so honor cross it from the north to south.
William Shakespeare (1856). “King Henry IV, pt. 1-2. King Henry the fifth”, p.29
There are occasions and causes, why and wherefore in all things.
'Henry V' (1599) act 5, sc. 1, l. [3]
William Shakespeare, George Steevens (1853). “The Works of William Shakespeare: Comprising His Dramatic and Poetical Works, Complete”, p.235
William Shakespeare (1826). “Plays of William Shakespeare”, p.56
William Shakespeare, Samuel Ayscough, Nicholas Rowe, Samuel Johnson (1791). “Shakspeare's Dramatic Works: With Explanatory Notes. To which is Now Added, a Copious Index to the Remarkable Passages and Words”, p.1152
'Macbeth' (1606) act 5, sc. 3, l. 37
True, I talk of dreams, Which are the children of an idle brain, Begot of nothing but vain fantasy.
1595 Mercutio. Romeo andJuliet, act1, sc.4, l.96-8.
'Henry VIII' (1613) act 3, sc. 2, l. 441
'Macbeth' (1606) act 2, sc. 2, l. 52
Beauty itself doth of itself persuade the eyes of men without an orator.
'The Rape Of Lucrece' (1594) l. 29
There is a kind of character in thy life, That to the observer doth thy history, fully unfold.
William Shakespeare, Joseph Dennie, Isaac Reed, Samuel Johnson, George Steevens (1805). “The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators”, p.315
William Shakespeare (1823). “The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare: From the Text of Johnson, Stevens, and Reed; with Glossarial Notes, His Life, and a Critique on His Genius & Writings”, p.920
My chastity's the jewel of our house, bequeathed down from many ancestors.
1604-5 Diana. All'sWellThat EndsWell, act 4, sc.2, l.47-50.
A nun of winter's sisterhood kisses not more religiously; the very ice of chastity is in them.
William Shakespeare (1733). “The works of Shakespeare in seven volumes”, p.238
William Shakespeare (2012). “Comedies of Shakespeare in Plain and Simple English (a Modern Translation and the Original Version)”, p.147, BookCaps Study Guides
William Shakespeare (1874). “The Shakespeare Argosy: Containing Much of the Wealth of Shakespeare's Wisdom and Wit”, p.38
'Hamlet' (1601) act 1, sc. 4, l. 14
William Shakespeare, Thomas Dolby (1832). “The Shakespearian Dictionary, Forming a General Index to All the Popular Expressions, and Most Striking Passages in the Works of Shakespeare, from a Few Words to Fifty Or More Lines ... By T. Dolby”, p.104