William Shakespeare Quotes - Page 124

They whose guilt within their bosom lies, imagine every eye beholds their blame.
O, what men dare do! what men may do! what men daily do, not knowing what they do.
Rebellion in this land shall lose his sway, meeting the check of such another day.
Women are as roses, whose fair flower, being once displayed, doth fall that very hour.
It is not vain glory for a man and his glass to confer in his own chamber.
There is no vice so simple but assumes some mark of virtue on his outward parts.
God defend me from that Welsh fairy, Lest he transform me to a piece of cheese!
But most it is presumption in us when the help of heaven we count the act of men.
He draweth out the thread of his verbosity finer than the staple of his argument.
My charity is outrage, life my shame; And in that shame still live my sorrow's rage!
God bless thee; and put meekness in thy breast, Love, charity, obedience, and true duty!
Heaven would that she these gifts should have, and I to live and die her slave.
We go to gain a little patch of ground that hath in it no profit but the name.