Yehudi Menuhin Quotes
Yehudi Menuhin (1972). “Theme and Variations”, New York : Stein and Day
US Congress Congressional Record, V. 151, PT. 6, April 21, 2005 to May 5, 2005, p. 7471, 2009.
To play great music, you must keep your eyes on a distant star.
"The Spirit of Flight". Book by Rene J. Smith, p. 30, January 15, 2012.
"Just for Animals" quoted in "Souls Like Ourselves" by Andrea Wiebers and David Wiebers, Rochester, MN: Sojourn Press, (p. 16), 2000.
"Theme and Variations".
Yehudi Menuhin (1977). “Unfinished Journey”, Alfred A. Knopf
Yehudi Menuhin (1986). “Life class: thoughts, exercises, reflections of an itinerant violinist”, Vintage