
Ale Quotes

A dress is a piece of ephemeral architecture, designed to enhance the proportions of the female body.

"Christian Dior: The Man who Made the World Look New". Book by Marie France Pochna (p. 170), 1996.

The class which has the power to rob upon a large scale has also the power to control the government and legalize their robbery.

Eugene V. Debs' anti-war speech in Canton, Ohio (June 16, 1918), as quoted in The Call Magazine, 1918.

Create your own path, hone your talent, be ready to show your talent, and don't doubt yourself.

"The “Barbershop: The Next Cut” Interview". Interview with Kam Williams, April 12, 2016.

I am among those who think that science has great beauty.

"Madame Curie: A Biography". Book by Eve Curie Labouisse translated by Vincent Sheean, 1937.