The Clintons have sold everything about America and its policy and its future for their own personal gain in terms of amassing incredible wealth.
America hasn't been leading anything. We have been blamed the last eight years [2008-2016]. The United States has been nothing special about us. American exceptionalism was mocked and laughed at.
Obama has wreaked a lot of damage on America already, and there will be more. There's gonna be more to come.
America is a nation that is founded on the principle of religious freedom. That is the reason this country exists.
The point is, folks, for people on the left - and I don't care what kind of clothes they wear, or where they live, people on the left, America is guilty. And there is not a set of facts in the world that's gonna change it. There's not a set of facts in the world that's gonna change anybody's mind.
There hasn't been a military force like the United States of America in the history of the world.
If I had the ability to influence people all over the world just by speaking or writing, one of my objectives would be find out how America became special and then tell everybody.
You have this special place - America, you want it to remain special, you better find out why it became special.
The original United States, the founding of America was indeed a shared culture. And you could argue that there was a diversity from the founding days, but not the way the left defines diversity today.
People came to America and they did not abandon their own cultures, but they assumed new ones, a new one, an American culture rooted in liberty and freedom that they had never enjoyed in their lives prior. They didn't have to sacrifice who they were. They didn't have to change or give it up, but they were eager to become Americans.
If you really love people, you say you really love people, really care about people, want the best for people, well, America is the best place. Instead of coming here and destroying it, why not copy it, replicate it?
We didn't just wake up one day and here is the United States of America, and it is the gem, the shining city on the hill, however you want to describe it, it had to be built. It was not there. But from the moment it began to be built, isn't it interesting that everybody in the world who heard about it wanted to go there?
The Chinese can devalue their currency, apparently without doing much harm to themselves. They can do this as a strategy to destroy our economy in America.
The degree to which the people of America are being dumbed down on purpose every day is striking. And all for the express purpose of maintaining in power a political party [the Democrats] which seeks a permanent underclass and as many dependent people on government as possible. As many uninformed, misinformed, know-nothings as they can get.
"Make America great again." You know, to a lot of people, well, that's jingoistic. That's nationalism. That's cheap, that's rank, that's not a movement.
The whole idea of the first female president is not nearly as momentous or exciting as the first African-American.
The Democrats have lost a thousand electoral seats in America in midterm elections, 2010, 2014. The people of this country are clearly willing to vote against Democrats. They are clearly willing to vote for Republicans. But when you get to the presidential election, it better be somebody that's not just part of the establishment. That's the message, and that's what they're not getting.
The United States of America was the first place on earth where average people had the opportunity to become the greatest among all people. It was the first time in human history where people were allowed to pursue the best of their abilities to whatever desire they wanted, because it was a nation founded under the concept of human beings being born free.
There's a distinct American culture that evolved from the United States founding, and that is what made America great, is what allowed the human being to become.
Being a victim doesn't take much. There are built-in excuses for failure. Built-in excuses for being miserable. Built-in excuses for being angry all the time. No reason to trying to be happy; it's not possible. You're a victim. Victim of what? Well, you're a victim of derision. Well, you're a victim of America. You're a victim of America's past, or you're a victim of religion. You're a victim of bigotry, of homophobia, whatever. You're a victim of something. The Democrats got one for you. If you want to be a victim, call 'em up.
Hillary Clinton represented "America is over" to the people that voted, and they're never gonna understand this, the people in the media in Washington, in the establishment.
I know Donald Trump; he's a winner; he's committed; and he has intended all along to do what he thinks is necessary to save America.
It is preposterous to believe that the Russians had any effect on the outcome of voting in America. It's absurd. There is no evidence.
John Silber said the single longest reference he could find to Abraham Lincoln [in Howard Zinn's History of America ] was two paragraphs. That was Howard Zinn. Would you like to hear how Ronaldus Magnus is portrayed?
You want to unify America with a sense of culture and decency and all of this that reasserts and reaffirms the concepts of American exceptionalism.But the left and who they are, you watch Hollywood, you watch the Oscars, you watch any left-wing, it's not even Democrat. It is ultra left-wing radical.