
Biden Quotes

Obama and Biden want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars. Guess what? Yes we do.

Obama and Biden want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars. Guess what? Yes we do.

"CBS Uncritically Promotes Obama Campaign's Attack Hinting Romney is 'Less than Truthful'". Interview with Matthew Balan, October 5, 2012.

Of course we all know Biden is the intellect of the Democratic Party. Kind of a grin with a body behind it.

"Eastwood, the empty chair and the speech everyone's talking about" by Halimah Abdullah, August 31, 2012.

I have a soft spot for Joe Biden. I like him. But he’s dumb as an ashtray.

"Roger Ailes: Obama Is ‘Lazy,’ Biden ‘Dumb As an Ashtray’" by Bill Hoffmann, March 6, 2013.

We got results that would not have been possible without a negotiating partner like Joe Biden.

"Senators Deliver Farewell Tribute To Vice President Joe Biden". "All Things Considered" with Ari Shapiro, December 7, 2016.

I think that Joe Biden is qualified in many respects. But I do point out that he's been wrong on many foreign policy and national security issues, which is supposed to be his strength.

John McCain at The Third Presidential Candidates Debate at Hofstra University at Hempstead, New York, October 15, 2008.

Really? Anyone intimidated by Barack Obama? He can't even keep Joe Biden in line.

"Leno jokes target Obama problems" by Patrick Gavin, May 23, 2013.

I was extremely excited personally about the Obama-Biden victory.

"Before Being Obama Flack, Jay Carney Claims He Was "Old-Fashioned Journalist" Who "Didn't Take Sides". "Late Show" with David Letterman, July 30, 2014.