
Bohemia Quotes

The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time - it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine.

The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time - it is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine.

Tapes from 1971 as presented in "All the Philosopher King's Men" by James Warren in Harper's Magazine, February 2000.

I was not a collective person or a bohemian; I was an elitist.

Elia Kazan (2011). “Elia Kazan: A Life”, p.205, Knopf

My look is a Modern Bohemian type thing.

"Biography/Personal Quotes".

Well, isn't Bohemia a place where everyone is as good as everyone else - and must not a waiter be a little less than a waiter to be a good Bohemian?

Djuna Barnes (2016). “Vivid and Repulsive as the Truth: The Early Works of Djuna Barnes”, p.69, Courier Dover Publications

Bohemia has no banner. It survives by discretion.

Tennessee Williams (2008). “Camino Real”, p.49, New Directions Publishing

But an artist, he realized. Or rather so-called artist. Bohemian. That's closer to it. The artistic life without the talent.

Philip K. Dick (2011). “The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch”, p.170, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

I would describe my aesthetic as definitely personal and harmonious with an eclectic yet bohemian sensibility.

"Ten Questions: Lisa Marie Fernandez". Interview with Yale Breslin, August 14, 2012.

She was feeling her bohemian oats.

Steve Martin (2001). “Shopgirl”, Wheeler Pub Incorporated

I'd rather live in Bohemia than in any other land.

John Boyle O'Reilly (1886). “In Bohemia”

There are no roads in all Bohemia !

"The Romance of the Commonplace". Book by Gelett Burgess, "Where is Bohemia?", 1902.

If you've led a rather bohemian and rackety life, as I have, it's precisely the cancer that you'd expect to get. That's a bit of a yawn.

"Christopher Hitchens discusses life, death, cancer and God in interview with Newsnight". Newsnight interview, November 26, 2010.