
Britain Quotes - Page 3

At the core of the European Union must be, as it is now, the single market. Britain is at the heart of that Single Market, and must remain so.

At the core of the European Union must be, as it is now, the single market. Britain is at the heart of that Single Market, and must remain so.

"The Danger Is that Europe Will Fail". David Cameron Speech on the Future of Europe, January 23, 2013.

I want the European Union to be a success. And I want a relationship between Britain and the EU that keeps us in it.

"The Danger Is that Europe Will Fail". David Cameron Speech on the Future of Europe, January 23, 2013.

Europe is my continent, not my country

John Redwood (2001). “Just Say No!: 100 Arguments Against the Euro”, Politico's Publishing

Britain is the only colony in the British Empire and it is up to us now to liberate ourselves.

Tony Benn's Speech to the Labour Party Conference in Blackpool, October 2, 1972.

Not surprisingly, extensive effort in Britain and America goes into finding tax shelter. the system is "efficient" for the shelter industry, not for the economy.

Robert Kuttner (1987). “The Economic Illusion: False Choices Between Prosperity and Social Justice”, p.188, University of Pennsylvania Press

You cannot tackle Britain's debts without tackling the unreformed welfare system.

"George Osborne's speech to the Conservative party conference in full". October 4, 2010.

Britain is not the same anymore of course. It's never the same.

Interview with Ritchie Yorke, April 21.

Our party: New Labour. Our mission: new Britain. New Labour new Britain.

Tony Blair (1997). “New Britain: My Vision of a Young Country”, Basic Books (AZ)