Fiber Quotes

Most species do their own evolving, making it up as they go along, which is the way Nature intended.
Terry Pratchett (2009). “Reaper Man: A Novel of Discworld”, p.9, Harper Collins
Franklin D. Roosevelt (1995). “The Essential Franklin Delano Roosevelt”, Gramercy
Albert Schweitzer (2009). “Albert Schweitzer's Ethical Vision: A Sourcebook”, p.163, Oxford University Press
Alvin Plantinga (2000). “Warranted Christian Belief”, p.149, Oxford University Press
Frank Chodorov (2007). “Income Tax: Root of All Evil”, p.75, Ludwig von Mises Institute
George Eliot (2010). “The Works of George Eliot”, General Books
National character cannot be built by law. It is the sum of the moral fiber of its individuals.
Herbert Hoover (1952). “Memoirs: The Cabinet and the Presidency, 1920-1933”