I live in a pretty liberal place, so it's a lot of hidden racism and things like that. If you really look up California, it's a really shitty place when it comes to things like that.
A big reason I wanted to do a tour was because I'm from Michigan and not many things go to Michigan. Most conventions are in like London or Florida or California, and that's about it.
Hot, dry katabatic winds, like the south foehn in Europe, the sharav in the Middle East, and the Santa Ana of Southern California, are all believed to have a decided effect on human behavior and are associated with such health problems as migraines, depression, lethargy, and moodiness. Some scientists say that this is a myth.
My uncle who helped in a big part of raising me from when I was young, had moved from California, and would just tell me these legendary stories of these motorcycle clubs that he was around and that he used to ride with.
When I joined, I was one of the first artists to sign on to the Motown West label when they opened their first studio in California. At the studio, you'd run into Stevie Wonder, you'd run into Marvin Gaye…it was very special.
California is going to be quite good for the Democrats. But the rest of the country is a draw.
Who today is willing to say that Texas and California and the remainder of the Southwest would be better off if they were governed by Mexico?
Californians tend to be outspoken. When the great migration began, the more timid people must have stayed home, and the bolder ones headed west.
I'm on Governor Gray Davis' California Alliance Towards Education to bring the arts back to high schools.
With my ministry of light, part of what I do is work on the California Alliance For Arts Education.
Since I had my gastric bypass surgery in 1998, I eat like a bird. Unfortunately, that bird is a California condor.
We're looking forward to a great season at the University of California - if we find a way to put cleats on their sandals.
I travelled to California when I was 18 and went to Los Angeles State College.
If you stay in Beverly Hills too long, you become a Mercedes.
From a wine critic's perspective, there are far too many innocuous, over-oaked, over-acidified, or over-cropped wines emerging from California. While those sins would not be a problem if the wines sold for under $20, many are in fact $75-$150. That's appalling.
I was never a part of the Actor's Studio, because two friends of mine started it in 1947 and by that time I'd gone to California.
I like California because it still has the glamour and romanticism and exoticism of a very foreign place. It was the place that when I was young, I was raised on "I Love Lucy" and listening to the Grateful Dead and reading Jack Kerouac. They, to me, were all symbols of this very foreign sense of promise and movement. After all this time here I'm glad I still have it.
Life in Anaheim, California, was a commercial for itself, endlessly replayed. Nothing changed; it just spread out farther and farther in the form of neon ooze. What there was always more of had been congealed into permanence long ago, as if the automatic factory that cranked out these objects had jammed in the on position.
It is clear that a temporary increase in the cap is needed to ensure high-tech companies can hire the specialized personnel they need to continue to help fuel California's economic growth.
My wife and I have spent half our lives, half our adult lives, trying to save special parts of California.
I didn't want to give up my Illinois driver's license and was unaware that was a crime. It is, by the way, in the state of California. Lesson learned. I technically broke a law, so technically I deserve whatever I get.
I was in New York. Hitchcock was in California. He rang me to make a report on his progress and said, I'm having trouble. I've just sacked my second screenwriter
I started writing "Peace Trail" here in Colorado, then I went back to California. I had a few other tunes going around in my head, so I had a couple of them finished after a few days and then I wanted to go into the studio.
Prison guard unions have become the powerful political forces in some states, particularly California.
I think it's best if there's an amendment that goes on the ballot where the people can weigh in. Every time this issue has gone on the ballot, the people have voted to retain the traditional definition of marriage as recently as California in 2008.