Children Quotes - Page 204
The most inspirational man I knew only reached his potential by helping a child reach his.
Mitch Albom (2009). “Have a Little Faith: A True Story”, Hyperion
Mira Bartok (2011). “The Memory Palace”, p.5, Simon and Schuster
Michael Moorcock (1988). “The chronicles of Castle Brass”
Michael Lewis (1995). “Shame: The Exposed Self”, p.218, Simon and Schuster
Meriwether Lewis, William Clark (1842). “History of the Expedition Under the Command of Captains Lewis and Clarke, to the Sources of the Missouri: Thence Across the Rockey Mountains, and Down the River Columbia to the Pacific Ocean ; Performed During the Years 1804, 1805, 1806, by Order of the Government of the United States”, p.146
"The Journals of May Sarton Volume One: Journal of a Solitude, Plant Dreaming Deep, and Recovering".
Max Lucado (2014). “Dad Time: Savoring the God-Given Moments of Fatherhood”, p.30, Thomas Nelson Inc