Children Quotes - Page 59
Hedy Lamarr (1966). “Ecstasy and me: my life as a woman”
Speech at Chautauqua, NY, 14 Aug. 1936, in Public Papers (1936) vol. 5, p. 289
Art Buchwald (1986). “"You can fool all of the people all the time"”, Fawcett Books
Anne Lamott (2008). “Grace (Eventually): Thoughts on Faith”, p.81, Penguin
Alice Miller (2002). “For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence”, p.105, Macmillan
"Fictional character: Jess". "New Girl" (Season 1, Episode 11), 2011-2018.
William S. Burroughs (2007). “Word Virus: The William S. Burroughs Reader”, p.16, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.
Whittaker Chambers (2014). “Witness”, p.22, Regnery Publishing