Chiropractic care is the only real, long-lasting relief that I have found for my neck pain due to an old injury.
The game of life requires the edge that chiropractic care provides.
I rely on regular chiropractic care to keep in shape for my strenuous type of acting and singing.
I credit chiropractic care for maintaining my health to keep up the pace of my career.
Chiropractic care is an important part of keeping me in the best condition so I can perform at an optimal level.
Chiropractic care works for me. I've been seeing a chiroprctor and he's really been helping me out a lot. Chiropractic's been a big part of my game.
Without chiropractic care, I couldn't have existed with my work as a TV and film actor.
I am walking today because of chiropractic care I received years ago. I predict a great future for the science of chiropractic.
I depended on chiropractic care when I was an athlete. I depend on it now as a busy film and TV actor.
Chiropractic's been a big part of my game!
This book denounces the cultism in chiropractic but supports the appropriate use of spinal manipulation and the research efforts required to solidify its scientific basis. If you are contemplating or receiving chiropractic care, it might help protect both your pocketbook and your health.
Most injuries require chiropractic care. It works better for me than anything else.