People bullshit and fakeness are the main reasons why I like to be alone.
Hold your head high, and your middle finger higher.
My definition of beauty is simplicity, elegance, and sensuality. I think that when a woman is in harmony with herself and remains true to her values, she will glow naturally.
No one ever gets tired of loving. But everyone gets tired of waiting, assuming, hearing lies, and hurting.
Just be you. I've learned the hard way and in the end, some people are just so full of hate that no matter what you say or do, they'll always have something to say.
We live in a world where losing your phone is more dramatic than losing your virginity
Don't let loneliness drive you back into the arms of someone who doesn't give a damn about you.
I'm very confident in how I project my personality.
I believe that every interaction is an act of fate in some way, that we're meant to interact with them, and it's our job to flesh that out and experience it to the fullest and learn the lessons we're meant to.
The things that happen in your life are either your choices or opportunities and lessons the universe has put before you. Life on earth is like college and we're all just trying to pass the courses.
As soon as you tell me to do one thing, I do the opposite. As soon as someone tells me not to get any more tattoos, I have this intense fire burning inside me to cover myself with them. I don't care if it's self-destructive. I just have that need to rebel.
I think that I'm so psychotic and so mentally ill that if I could tap into that I could do something really interesting.
I haven't gone completely insane, but it might happen soon.
Boys in their twenties are a waste of time. They have nothing to offer conversationally; they're immature. I feel like I have a better shot with someone in his thirties.
I think being sexy and comfortable in your body is a wonderful thing, and I don't mind being acknowledged for it or appreciated for it. I know what I'm capable of. I know that I'm a relatively smart girl - I'm clever - and I feel like the sexy image only stands to make me a more powerful human being.
I try to live with the idea that karma is a very real thing. So I put out what I want to get back.
I resent having to prove that I'm not a retard.
Try and stay away from dairy - especially if you're a woman! It's really hard on your hormones.
What people don't realize is that fame, whatever your worst experience in high school, when you were being bullied by those ten kids in high school, fame is that, but on a global scale, where you're being bullied by millions of people constantly.
I have a mouth and I'm not afraid to use it.
Women hold the power because we have the vaginas. If you're in a heterosexual relationship and you're a female, you win.
I know what you need as a female to feel not just comfortable but powerful.
Well, I'm clearly not ugly.
I could see myself in a relationship with a girl - Olivia Wilde is so sexy she makes me want to strangle a mountain ox with my bare hands. She’s mesmerizing.
I have no friends and I never leave my house. You just have to make a choice to just refuse to be involved with things that could get you in trouble. It's easy when you feel upset or depressed about something to want to go to a club and want to drink, but instead I just force myself to sit and feel it and deal with it, and try to grow from it, because I don't want to go down that path. I'm one of the most isolated people in existence right now, but it's worth it because if I wasn't making that decision I would be throwing away my career.