Classic means standard as opposed to Romantic: form before meaning as opposed to meaning before form. It grows from inside out, while Romantic grows from outside in.
You can change the feel of your sofa by adding a thick, cozy throw and playing a couple of classic pillows off a more Moroccan-inspired one.
I would trade many an art-film classic for the final exchange between Redford and Streisand in front of the Plaza.
Music gives me a lot of peace, either classic music with its structure or the spontaneity of Miles Davis. It brings the best in you.
I like the old, classic scary movies. I love 'Psycho,' 'The Sixth Sense,' and 'Poltergeist.'
I feel like the high-concept shows that have some kind of gimmick tend not to be the hit classic shows of all time.
I was born out of classical music.
Just build a classic horseshoe of wood and plaster, and fill it with statuary and curtains, then sit back and savor the beautifully blended results.
My grandma Ricky - that's where I got classic look from. She was the most stylish person ever. She had her own clothing store and even her furniture was stylish. I got my "Flashy, but classy" motto from her, too. Whenever she walked in the room, she was always the most stylish person in the room.
I was about 21 when I read that [Mere Christianity], and my faith was really being shaken during those days. Its a great, classic book.
I became a set designer for opera. I'm a great opera buff, I love classical music, and I needed a time-out.
I would prefer to listen to a French classical composer like Olivier Messiaen than to the pop hits of the day.
I'd never studied film. I had movies that I loved and movie stars that I looked up to, but I really had not seen a lot of the great classic films that he felt like he wanted me to see before I took on such a huge role.
A "classic" is a book that everybody praises but nobody has read
I definitely see myself making classic R&B records with somewhat of a trendy vibe to it. I definitely wouldn't say trap.
All i want is a dress with puffy sleaves
It was like the classic scene in the movies where one lover is on the train and one is on the platform and the train starts to pull away, and the lover on the platform begins to trot along and then jog and then sprint and then gives up altogether as the train speeds irrevocably off. Except in this case I was all the parts: I was the lover on the platform, I was the lover on the train. And I was also the train.
If you are going to remake a film, you may as well remake a classic.
Not everyone can say, 'I'm going to write a classic today.' If that was the case, we'd all be doing it.
I love Thandie Newton. I love her fashion sense as she is just really classic.
the same question arose in every soul: "For what, for whom, must I kill and be killed?"... p982
Classical music has been based on works people love and come back to for aural comfort.
I listen to classical music very much. There's a lot of jazz that I don't enjoy listening to.
I'm everything I'm made of. So a part of me is made of classical music. I'm grateful for it.
He became fubar in the classic way, which is to say that he was the victim of a temporary arrangement that became permanent.