Hillary Clinton has made a lot of dough out of being a politician. I gave up dough to be a politician. I'm sure that Ronald Reagan gave up dough to be a politician.
Since the Justice Department refuses to allow you to render a verdict, I'm going to present the case now, on the facts, against Hillary Rodham Clinton.
There were a couple of occasions when it was passed around - and, unlike President Clinton, I did inhale!
I had people that were coming on my own website and attacking me. You know, they were like Hillary Clinton supporters? It was very ugly.
I congratulate Secretary [Hillary] Clinton on her victory. But, I think, for us, that is about as bad as it's going to get.
Hillary Clinton ripped FBI Director Louis Freeh on Wednesday. She said she can't understand how FBI documents could vanish and then mysteriously reappear. She has to say that or she'd be thrown out of the Magician's Society.
[Senator] Kerry [democrat MA] is emerging as the worst of all the viable Democratic candidates. He has the backbone of Clinton and the charm of Gore.
I think Hillary Clinton deserves to have people vouch for her other than members of the Democratic National Committee.
Donald Trump beat Jeb Bush and beat Hillary Clinton. And when everyone thinks of Donald Trump that's pretty impressive.
That's what she [Hillary Clinton] is done with everything all her life. She just makes something good happen, and that's what you need.
I have never had sex with that woman, Hillary Clinton.
I think Hillary Clinton is a good and effective secretary of state.
I trust Hillary Clinton about as far as I could throw Donald Trump.
[Hillary Clinton] was going to have a very difficult pathway going forward anyway.
If you are a [Hillary] Clinton supporter if you have friends who voted for [Donald] Trump it's harder to demonize that person.
I think Hillary Clinton is an outstandingly capable and decent person.
Clinton's bombing campaign has caused all of these problems to explode
People started staring at me at the supermarket and restaurants and whatnot. And I knew that I looked just like Bill Clinton.
I'm not a Hillary Clinton defender. I'm a Hillary Clinton promoter.
The American public will be clear on who's most fit to be president. And that's Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton knows how to sit down at a table and negotiate tough deals.
We trust Hillary Clinton, my wife and I, we trust her with the most important thing in our life.
To beat terrorism, there's only one candidate who can do it and it's Hillary Clinton.
I am proud of Hillary Clinton because she has been and is a great history maker - in everything she has done.
When Hillary Clinton was a U.S. senator, she voted for some trade deals when they met her standards, but she voted against others when they didn't.